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DR Z says...
"Ashley is writing in a very psychological, very therapeutic, and mindfulness mindset. This is why I love this book. Anyone who watches my channel knows I barely plug a book. I really love this book, I highly recommend."
- Dr Z
Premiere clinical psychologist specializing in the transgender field.
What Readers Are Saying
Benefits of The Book

Learn radical self-acceptance.
Self-acceptance is the key to moving past your fears and into a state where you can come to terms with who you are. You will learn how to embrace your true nature. Self-acceptance starts with an open discussion with your inner self and acknowledging all the parts of you that need to be loved.

Realize you can be who you want to be.
Once you can feel at ease in your true being you can begin to believe it's possible to be who you have always been and have always wanted to be. This unfolds the beautiful process of becoming the true you. You will learn how to see the true you and begin the process of becoming her.

Walk the path with someone who's been there.
There's not a lot of personal growth content for transgender folks out there. These guides are written by another trans person who's been there. They will give you the practices and steps to take to truly blossom into your true self.

Expand and contract. Let go and let in.
When you realize that your main opponent is your identity then you can begin to unravel the process of attachment, burn it down, and begin the process of renewal and creation. These are the tools to help you through that process.

The power is within you to become who you are meant to be.
When I first approached personal growth I always tried to become something else. As if I inherently lacked something. Have you ever experienced that?
When I turned 32, I finally admitted to myself that I was a transgender woman and I began my personal transition. Through all the tears, shame, and change I realized one of the most important life lessons in personal growth: The answers to your problems are not outside you - they are within you.
Even more surprisingly - you don't become someone else when you transition. You become more of who you already are.
Becoming who you're meant to be is a process of realizing who you actually are, and then getting rid of all the stuff that isn't you.
I used to let my struggles define me. I've struggled with my anxiety, mental disability, addiction, depression, and the past. While I may never resolve some of my demons, I have found resolve in knowing what struggles to let go of and what to transform. It is my strength from being a warrior that keeps me going.
This website is the product of my 10,000+ hours investing in personal growth. It's my hope you'll find something to short cut your struggle and change your life for the long term.